News and Insights

Dragonfly news as featured in:

As a leading (Australian-owned) Sustainable Fund Manager, we specialise in identifying and investing in profitable solutions to challenges affecting people, climate and the environment.

We are interested to speak to people all over the world about investing in positive impact investments, while delivering market-leading returns.

Dragonfly news and updates

LiveWire: Why investors are increasingly drawn to impact-focused growth capital as part of their alternatives portfolio allocation.

LiveWire have requested our CEO, Adam Tucker, to provide his perspectives and insights into global issues and influences on a monthly basis. For our June Edition, Adam shared some insight on why growth capital impact investing is gaining traction and how it's transforming investment strategies.

Read the whole article here

Follow Adam’s LiveWire channel for updates here: Adam Tucker LiveWire

June 2024

Investment Announcement: $4m Follow-on Investment into Jet Zero

We are thrilled to share the success of our investees, Jet Zero, in their recent $30 million raise.

As early lead equity investors of Jet Zero, we have continued our support with a $4m follow-on investment, alongside Qantas and Airbus taking our position in the company to a c.$13Mil current asset value.

Read more via this link: Investment Note: $4m Follow-on Investment into Jet Zero

March 2024

LiveWire: A turning point is coming for Impact Investment, a market analysis

LiveWire have requested our CEO, Adam Tucker, to provide his perspectives and insights into global issues and influences on a monthly basis. This month, Adam shared a market analysis on the historic investment opportunity impact holds.

Read more via this link: LiveWire Article

October 2023

The Australian Financial Review:

“Nigel Sharps’ Dragonfly Enviro Capital rattles tin for $50m”

Dragonfly was recently featured in the Australian Financial Review, who shared “Dragonfly Enviro Capital has hit the funding trail, gathering fresh capital for a new impact growth fund”.

Read more via this link: Australian Financial Review News Article

June 2023

Dragonfly is Featured in FS Sustainability with Opinion Piece:

“What can impact investing learn from the tech-wreck?”

Through strategic investment in growth capital, businesses can optimise their sustainable models, invest in clean technologies, and drive meaningful change while generating attractive financial returns. The tech wreck serves as a valuable lesson, presenting an opportunity for investors and impact firms to collaborate in building a more sustainable future.

Read more via this link: FS Sustainability Opinion Piece

June 2023

Business News Australia Media Release:

“Dragonfly’s Impact Growth Fund Looks to Raise $50 Million, Proving Sustainable Doesn’t Mean Sacrifice”

The fund aims to invest in profitable solutions to social and environmental challenges. Its current investments include Pacific Bio, Downforce, Our Trace, the Water and Carbon Group, and Red Earth Energy Storage, which are driving sustainable innovations in Australia.

Read more via this link: Business News Australia Media Release

June 2023

Investment Announcement: Red Earth Energy Storage

We are proud to announce our recent investment in Red Earth Energy Storage, a leading Australian distributor of rooftop solar and battery storage systems, with a goal to power the clean energy transition.

Red Earth leverages both the technical and business expertise of its team to deliver high-quality and affordable renewable energy systems to households and businesses. The Company will form a critical element in the adoption of renewables across the country.

Read more via this link: Red Earth Investment Note

May 2023

Investment Announcement: Pacific Biotechnologies

We are proud to announce our investment in Pacific Biotechnologies Australia Pty Ltd (PBA), a private Australian company providing market-leading aquaculture and bioremediation technology with a unique, sustainable value proposition. 

Dragonfly Enviro Capital invested $2Mil AUD into the company in a fully subscribed bridging round alongside other prominent impact investors including Tiverton Agricultural Impact Fund.

Read more via this link: Pacific Technologies Investment Note

February 2023

Announcement: We are hiring!

Feb 2023

We are excited to be expanding our team by adding a new member to our growing team in Sydney. 

We invite ambitious and talented individuals to apply for the Investment Associate position. We are looking forward to gaining fresh insight from this role. 

Join the journey and leave a legacy you’ll be proud of.

To apply or learn more, visit:

Investment Announcement: Our Trace

We are pleased to announce our investment in Trace via our Impact Growth Fund. Trace is a digital platform that helps individuals and businesses measure, reduce and offset their carbon footprint and track their impact over time through simple and engaging digital tools. 

On a mission to remove the barriers to becoming carbon neutral, Trace allows companies to account for carbon in a cost-effective manner and offset it by purchasing quality carbon credits created via verified projects. Trace chooses carbon credits from projects that deliver measurable benefits aligned to the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Read more via this link: Our Trace Investment Note

November 2022

Investment Announcement: Downforce Technologies

We are proud to announce our investment in Downforce Technologies, a global company providing a novel and highly-effective platform to measure the quantities and values of natural capital of land, remotely and to a high degree of accuracy.

Founded to address the critical need for the restoration of global soil health, Downforce Technologies is on a mission to make every hectare count to achieve global climate, biodiversity and food security goals.

Read more via this link: Downforce Technologies Investment Note

November 2022

Investment Announcement: NorthStar Impact Funds

NorthStar is the only Australian equities fund that is certified RIAA as an Impact Fund and are rapidly growing and scaling true and tangible impact within the Australian Equities market. The NorthStar Investment team is made up of experienced professionals who are passionate about impact investing.

Read more via this link: NorthStar Impact Investment Note

01 September 2022

Investment Announcement: Water and Carbon

We are proud to announce our recent investment in Water and Carbon Group, a leading developer of multifunctional infrastructure with a deep appreciation for natural assets based in Australia.

Water and Carbon leverages the knowledge and experience of its multi-disciplined team to develop groundbreaking environmental solutions that integrate natural assets wherever viable.

Read more: Water and Carbon Investment Note

01 February 2022

Wallabies welcomed home

Bush tail rock wallabies are welcomed home to our portfolio company Mount Rothwell Conservation Centre, and featured on ABC News.

16th June 2020

Odonata collaboration with NAB

NAB is supporting our partners at Odonata to progress towards a more environmentally sustainable world. See how Nigel Sharp, Executive Chair of Dragonfly Envirocapital, and his team are working with nature, people and the economy to help farming businesses thrive. To find out more, visit

22nd May 2020

Welcome to Mt Rothwell, the frontline in the fight against extinction

A private owner, an electrified fence and no feral foxes or cats. Mt Rothwell is proving that Australia's critically endangered animals can thrive in the wild — they just need a helping hand.

ABC News - 29th Dec 2019

SkyFarm feature on Channel 9

One of our portfolio companies, Melbourne SkyFarm, gets featured on Channel 9 News Melbourne.

1st May 2019


For Media Enquiries - Contact us

For Media Enquiries - Contact us


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