Investment Note

We are proud to announce our investment in Pacific Biotechnologies Australia Pty Ltd (PBA), a private Australian company providing market-leading aquaculture and bioremediation technology with a unique, sustainable value proposition. 

Dragonfly Enviro Capital invested $2Mil AUD into the company in a fully subscribed bridging round alongside other prominent impact investors including Tiverton Agricultural Impact Fund.

PBA leverages a highly skilled, highly experienced, agile, and entrepreneurial management team and board, as well as a circular economy business model that offers clear and scalable potential for impact in carbon reduction and wastewater treatment.

We have invested in PBA for growth and are incredibly proud to have this company as part of our evolving portfolio.

What Makes Pacific Bio a Great Investment

PBA addresses global issues impacting water purity and food security, offering solutions with strong commercial outcomes and positive environmental impact.

Its core activities operate in a closed-loop system, delivering bioremediation services to municipal wastewater treatment plants, aquaculture facilities, and other industries requiring a significant reduction in organic discharge before being released into the ecosystem. They then return the nutrients to the farming production system via plant nutrition products.

PBA is also the head co. of the following wholly-owned subsidiaries: 

  • Regen Aqua – A proven macroalgal bioremediation solution for wastewater management, offered as a cost-effective, nature-based alternative to traditional wastewater treatment systems.

  • Eco Aquaculture Australia (EcoAA) – Owns and operates the second largest Australian sustainable Black Tiger Prawn farm in Australia, Pacific Reef Fisheries, as well as a hatchery and potential second farm at Guthalungra. The farm is ASC certified, the highest global standard for sustainable and responsible aquaculture supported by the WWF.

  • PlantJuice – A first-to-market, all-Australian, sustainably grown green algae biostimulant, created by converting macroalgae into a high-performance biostimulant.

  • ReefAsta – A complementary wellness brand based on sustainably produced astaxanthin, a powerful natural antioxidant. In the future, the company plans to extract Ulvan from some of RegenAqua’s marine algae to produce an additional wellness product associated with obesity management. 

Combined, each of the business units services each other in a complementary fashion, reducing input costs and generating additional sustainability benefits.

The above subsidiaries enable PBA to deliver the following services: 

  • Bioremediation: removing nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater in municipal treatment plants, aquaculture farms, and a range of industrial settings.

  • Plant Nutrition: supporting farmers to grow better crops with sustainably grown and harvested green algae biostimulants.

  • Aquaculture: providing sustainably farmed premium black tiger prawns in Australia and plans for growth in responsibly farmed seafood without causing damage to the Great Barrier Reef..

  • Animal Nutrition: supplying sustainable Ulva-based animal feed is GM-free and can enrich the diets of poultry, cattle, prawns, and fish with valuable nutrients.

  • Nutraceuticals: a powerful antioxidant grown using freshwater microalgae that are extracted and encapsulated as astaxanthin - a nutraceutical with compelling health benefits for people.

Positively Impacting the World

 PBA is passionate about generating positive impact across a range of verticals, meeting 9 Impact (UN Sustainable Development Goals), including:

  • Goal 2 – Zero hunger

  • Goal 3 – Good health and well-being

  • Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation

  • Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth 

  • Goal 9 – Industry innovation and infrastructure 

  • Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities

  • Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production 

  • Goal 13 – Climate action

  • and Goal 14 – Life below water. 

Steering the ship is highly experienced and capable CEO and Managing Director, Sam Bastounas, who is deeply passionate about seeing this company through to the creation of high-impact and commercial returns for shareholders. Sam is supported by an exceptional board who are well known in the impact investing realm and are all accomplished entrepreneurs and impact investors themselves.

The board consists of: Graeme Wood – Chairperson, Digital entrepreneur and founder of, Danny Almagor – NED - Impact investor and founder of Impact Investment Group and Nigel Sharp – NED – Managing Director, Tiverton Agricultural Impact Fund and Chairperson of Dragonfly Enviro Capital. Its activities are guided by 4 core values; courage, accountability, respect and integrity.

Contact Us

Dragonfly Enviro Capital invests across a wide range of ventures and impact areas to accomplish meaningful returns. These include growth support for early-stage and mature businesses and impactful real estate to promote positive outcomes.

If you are seeking investment, looking to invest, or are curious about our services, talk to us.



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